2018, May 28-June 6 Summer Praxis Course has been arranged for the graduate Students of the Pennsylvania, Department of Historic Preservation, as well as local young professionals and limited number of Penn alumni. The course was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. a Teaching Assistant Professor Donovan Ripkema. The course was supported by Batumi State University (Georgia) and ICOMOS Georgia.
On May 31 the group visited the G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation. Dr. Maia Mania delivered for them a lecture on the urban Heritage of Tbilisi, its history and problems of preservation. Dr. Mariam Didebulidze made a presentation regarding the history of the Chubinashvili Centre, its main mission, sphers of academic research and other activities. The guests visited the Library and Photo-archive of the Centre. “Ancient Georgian Art”, a book published by the Centre was given to each of the students and proffessors as a present.