Sergo Kobuladze
Graphics Theatre set design Painting
Project Manager:
Eka Japaridze
Editor: Mariam Gachechiladze
Text: Mariam Gachechiladze; Aka Morchiladze
Tbilisi 2012
Sergo Kobuladze
Graphics Theatre set design Painting
Project Manager:
Eka Japaridze
Editor: Mariam Gachechiladze
Text: Mariam Gachechiladze; Aka Morchiladze
Tbilisi 2012
Architectural Restoration in Georgia
Historiography, tradicion and experience analysis
Autors: Irine Elizbarashvili, Manana Suramelashvili, Tsitsino Chachkhunashvili, Khatuna Tchurgulia
Editor: Dimitri Tumanishvili
A project – Architecture Restoration in Georgia – was financed by the Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation in 2009.
It was published as a book in 2012.
The authors are the G. Chubinashvili Centre research worker.
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
Tbilisi 2012
Text by: Ekaterine Kvachatadze (history,architecture and sculpture), Mzia Janjalia (wall paintings)
Edited by: Dimitri Tumanishvili
G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation
Tbilisi 2012
Wall Paintings in the Saviour`s Church
Authors: † Inga Lordkipanidze, Mzia Janjalia
Printed with the financial support of the Fund for the Protection and Rescuing of Historic Monuments of Georgia
G.Chubinashvili National Research Centre for History of Georgian Art and Monument Protection
Tbilisi 2011
Author: Tamaz Dvali
Text: Nugzar Andghuladze, Tamaz Dvali
Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport of Georgia
G.Chubinashvili National Research Centre for History of Georgian Art and Monument Protection
Tbilisi 2011
Author: Nina Chichinadze
Editor: Kitty Machabeli
Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport of Georgia
G.Chubinashvili National Research Centre for History of Georgian Art and Monument Protection
Tbilisi 2011
Georgian Antiquities № 14
Publishers: Dimitri Tumanishvili, Iuza Khuskivadze
G.Chubinashvili National Research Centre for History of Georgian Art and Monument Protection
Tbilisi 2010
Upper Svaneti Medieval Mural Painting
Album concept, text and translation: Dr. Marine Kenia
G.Chubinashvili National Research Centre for History of Georgian Art and Monument Protection
Tbilisi 2010