Otar Japaridze 100

Otar Japaridze 100
Anniversary Edition

Book Author:
Mariam Gachechiladze

Mariam Gachechiladze
Nodar Aronishidze
Sophio Chitorelidze

Marina Medzmariashvili

Tbilisi 2020


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Author: Nana Kiknadze

The book was prepared for publishing by Sopio Chitorelidze

Editorial group:
Dimitri Tumanishvili
Tamar Belashvili

Tbilisi 2020


The book of an artist-ceramist Nana Kiknadze (1928-2016) “The 20th Century Georgian Professional Decorative-Applied Art” describes processes taking place in the sphere of Georgian decorative-applied art beginning from the 1950s of the previous century up to the 10s of the 21st century. In the book there are separately studied such fields of decorative-applied art as artistic ceramics, Georgian textile art, artistic glass, enamel, chasing and artistic wood work.
The book has been made ready for publishing in The George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation – a group of scientists has been formed, illustration material has been chosen, facts and dates have been defined more exactly and rechecked.
The book has been published with the financial support of The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.

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To the History of Metalworking in Pre-Christian Georgia

To the History of Metalworking in Pre-Christian Georgia (Following the Treasure Preserved in Oni Local Lore Museum)

Author: Mariam Gabashvili

Tbilisi, 2019. 160 pp.

The book “To the History of Metalworking in Pre-Christian Georgia (Following the Treasure Preserved in Oni Local Lore Museum)” represents the first publication of the artefacts of various chronology found in the territory of ancient western province of Georgia, Racha. The collection of metalworking production is now preserved in the Oni Local Lore Museum and is distinguished by diverse artistic value. Thus, the artefacts are classified by typological and iconographic groups and are treated by means of artistic approach with the accompanying historical and semantic context.
Apart from the forward, introduction and classification of the material, the issue contains the chapters concerning the opening and history of Oni Local Lore Museum, as well as the mining and metalworking activities in Racha. The illustrations of the collection are subjoined to the text in the form of tables.
The financial support for the publication is granted by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia within the framework of the program: “Assistance for the publications concerning book-albums in the field of fine arts”.

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Urban Development in the Cities of Georgia from 1801 to 1918

Essays presented in the book have been written by David Khoshtaria, Manon Liluashvili, Natia Natsvlishvili, and Giorgi Chanishvili. They highlight the evolution of urban planning and architectural design in five major Georgian cities (Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Poti, and Akhaltsikhe) and two spa towns (Borjomi and Abastumani). Aspects of urban history are discussed in a broader political, economic, social, and cultural context.

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Georgian Antiquities № 22


Georgian Antiquities № 21


Fortified Historic Settlements in Northern Mtianeti of Georgia

Authors: Irine ElIzbarashvili, Manana Suramelashvili and Tsitsino Chachkhunashvili

490 pages

The main theme of the book is the traditional architecture and urban heritage of medieval fortified settlements preserved on the border line of Georgia’s Northern Mtianeti. Along with the material found during intensive field investigations, the book includes explored existing graphic material, historic, archaeological, ethnographic data and folklore.

The book presents the first attempt of a complex investigation of Georgia’s architectural heritage of Northern Mtianeti border line settlements. The financial support of the project (FR/216/1-40/14) is the Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation.

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Authors: M. Liluashvili, D. Khoshtaria and
N. Chichinadze.

Tbilisi. 2018. 160 pp.

An illustrated book considers activity of the Greeks from Ponto who in the 19th century in several phases came to settle in Georgia. Their activity was based on samples of architecture, mural painting, easel painting, or liturgical art. Nearly all corners of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries Georgia bear significant traces of Greek craftsmen – stonemasons and iconographers. This book serves to expose a general picture of their work.

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