Abashidze Ketevan

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Art Historian, Researcher of the Centre 

Research field: History of the medieval Georgian architecture; reflection of the liturgy and ecclesiastical symbolism in architecture; relation of the traditional and modern ecclesiastic art.  

Activity: Member of the Council of the Christian Architecture, Art and Restoration Centre at the Patriarchate of Georgia; Member of the Sanctities Preservation Department at the Patriarchate of Georgia

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Janjalia Mzia


Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D.

Research field: History of the Late Medieval fine arts in Georgia;  methodology of the  mural painting conservation; popularisation of the cultural heritage

Activity: Lectures on the History of the Late Medieval Georgian Fine Arts  at  Tbilisi Academy of  Arts; Expert of the Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sports; Member of the World Cultural Heritage Georgian Committee

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Khuskivadze Leila

Born: 1936, Tbilisi

Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.

Research field: History of the medieval Georgian fine arts.

Activity: Full Professor of Tbilisi Academy of  Arts, Lectures on History of Byzantine Art, Faculty of Restoration, Art History and Theory.

Address: 2, Janashia str., 0179 Tbilisi, Tel: (+995 32) 2 221336


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Khundadze Tamar

Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D. 

Research field: History of the medieval Georgian relief sculpture  

Activity: Lectures on the History of the Medieval Georgian Sculpture and History of Georgian Art at the Tbilisi Academy of  Arts.  

   e-mail: tamar_Khundadze@yahoo.co.uk



  1. Female Images in Medieval Georgian Stone Sculpture, Grigol Peradze 1st International Conference – Georgia in the Context of Christian Civilization – materials, Tbilisi, 2020, pp. 166-178;
  2. Ceramics with reliefs from the Occupied Villages of Shida Kartli (Tsirkoli, Kanchaetis Kabeni, Kurta), Cultural Heritage in the Conflict Territories, Conference materials, Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 19-24;
  3. Liturgical Themes on the Middle Age Reliefs of Georgia, ACADEMIA N5, Tbilisi, 2017, pp. 5-19;
  4. Medieval Georgian Sculpture (co authors: T. Dadiani, E. Kvatchatadze), Tbilisi 2017;
  5. Newly Discovered Relief from the Village Jalaurta, Georgian Antiquities N19, Tbilisi 2016, pp.80-88;
  6. The Relief of St. John the Baptist from Sairme, Lechkhumi, materials of Batumi State University International Scientific Conference- “Culture and Art: Research and Management”, Batumi 2015,      pp. 3-8;
  7. Medieval Relief Sculpture in Abkhazia (co author: T. Dadiani), materials of scientific conference of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Tbilisi 2015, pp. 36-52;
  8. Medieval Georgian Reliefs of the Baptism, ACADEMIA N4, Tbilisi 2015, pp. 34-42;
  9. Chancel-barrier of the Church of St. Saba in Sapara Monastery, Georgian Antiquities N17, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 181-192;
  10. Examples of Architectural Ceramics from the Churches of Shida Kartli, e. journal of G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation “Ars Georgica”,      Serie – B, 2014;
  11. Depiction of Kings from Tao-Klarjeti in 9th-10th century Masonry Scupture, ACADEMIA N3, Tbilisi, 2013-2014, pp.46-58;
  12. Symbolic Image of Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in the Exterior Decoration of Tkoba-Erdi Church (co author: A. Shanshiashvili), Georgian Antiquities, N15, Tbilisi 2012, pp. 156-166;
  13. Iconographic Variations of the Georgian Bas-reliefs of Middle Ages (6th-9th CC) with depictions of Ktetors, ACADEMIA, N2, Tbilisi 2011, pp. 102-107;
  14. Reliefs of the Church of St. George in the Village Bza, Georgian Antiquities, N14, Tbilisi 2010,           pp. 122 – 132;
  15. Images of Historical Persons in Georgian Architectural Sculpture of Middle Ages (6th through 11th century), International Symposium of Georgian Arts: Georgian Art in the Context of European and Asian Cultures”, Proceedings, 2009, Tbilisi, pp.152-158;
  16. The Cancel Screen Fragments from Chrdili St George Church, Georgian Antiquities, N13, Tbilisi 2009, pp. 34-52;
  17. New observations of figured relief on Jvari Church in Mtskheta (Nouvelles observatios sur les reliefs figurés de l’église Sainte-Croix de Mtskheta), « Anadolu ve Çevresinde» (“Anatolia and Its Vicinity in Middle Ages “) – ORTAÇAG 2, AKVAD, Ankara, 2008, 21-32;
  18. Jvari, Church of the Holy Cross at Mtskheta, Tbilisi, 2008 (together with Dimitri Tumanishvili,            D. Khoshtaria);
  19. Racha, Heritage Destroyed in the 1991 Earthquake, Tbilisi, 2008 (together with Khuskivadze,           N. Vacheishvili, E. Gedevanishvili);
  20. Ascension of Alexander the Great on the Khakhuli reliefs, Georgian Antiquities., N 10, Tbilisi 2007,      pp. 47-64;
  21. Identification of the Saint image on stone of the spring at Zarzma, “Academia”, V. 6-7, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 60-64.;
  22. The Blessing of Historical Figures on Orjalari Reliefs, Georgian Antiquities, N7-8. Tbilisi, 2005,        pp. 100-110.;
  23. Reliefs of Jvaripatiosani Church in Telovani, Georgian Antiquities, N4-5, Tbilisi, 2003, pp. 52-62.;
  24. Daniel in the lion’s Den on Akaurta Reliefs, Georgian Antiquities, N 2, Tbilisi, 2002,pp. 18-27.;
  25. Reliefs on the stone of the spring at Zarzma, Georgian Arts Historical Studies, II, Tbilisi, 2002,           pp. 17-18.;
  26. Ther Scenes of Old Testament on the Relief fragment from Tsirkoli, Academia, V. 2, 2001. pp. 81-92.;
  27. One Aspect of Medieval Georgian Facade Sculpture (6th-10th centuries). Study of Art, 2, Tbilisi 2001, pp. 282-293.;
  28. The theme of Miraculous Salvation of Biblical Prophets (Daniel and Jonah) on Georgian stone curved reliefs of 10th Literature and Art, N1. Tbilisi, 1999. pp.106-121.
  29. The Themes of Old Testament in 10th-11th century Georgian Sculpture, 6th International symposium of Georgian Art. Theses, Tbilisi, 1989;
  30. The Donor Relief from Tsaishi, Dzeglis Megobari, N 4, Tbilisi 1998, pp-24-29.






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Khoshtaria Giorgi

Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D., Associated Professor. 

Research field: History of the modern and contemporary Georgian and Western fine art (painting, sculpture). 

Activity: Associated Professor of the I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; lectures at Tbilisi State University of Culture. 

Address: 48, Ir. Abashidze str., app. 17, Tbilisi

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Khoshtaria Tinatin

Art Historian, Researcher of the Centre

Research field: History of the medieval Georgian mural painting 

Address: 61, Belinski str., Tbilisi.
e-mail: tkhostaria@yahoo.com

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Khoshtaria David

Art Historian, Head of the Department of Ancient Georgian Art, Prof. Dr.Research field:   History of the medieval Georgian architecture, history of construction. Address: 5-14, K. Kekelidze str., Tbilisi.e-mail: khoshtaria@gch-centre.ge







  1. “Persian Master Builders in the Nineteenth-Century Georgia,” (in Georgian, with English summary), Georgian Antiquities 23 (2020), pp. 138-156.
  2. 中世ジョージアの建築技術建築職人 (Master Builders in Medieval Georgia, in Japanese), (Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2020.
  3. “Borjomi and Abastumani,” in: D. Khoshtaria (ed.), Urban Development in the Cities of Georgia from 1801 to 1918 (Tbilisi, 2019), pp. 267-316.
  4. “Cities of Georgia at the Turn of the Eras,” in: D. Khoshtaria (ed.), Urban Development in the Cities of Georgia from 1801 to 1918 (Tbilisi, 2019), pp. 11-26.
  5. Persian Master Builders in the Cities of the Nineteenth-Century Georgia, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Vol.13, no 2, 2019, pp. 156-160.
  6. “Building Activity of Pontic Greeks in Georgia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,”, in: Cultural Heritage of Pontic Greeks in Georgia (Tbilisi, 2018), pp. 6-85. Co-author M. Liluashvili.
  7. “Church Building and Architecture in the Context of National and Religious Identity,” in: D. Khoshtaria (ed.), Architecture and Identity: Church Building in Tbilisi (1801-1918), (Tbilisi, 2016), pp. 11-29. Co-author N. Natsvlishvili.
  8. “The Georgian Revival Style and Architects of the Empire,” in: D. Khoshtaria (ed.), Architecture and Identity: Church Building in Tbilisi (1801-1918), (Tbilisi, 2016), pp. 31-49.
  9. “Imperial Identity and the Russian Revival Style in the Church Architecture of Tbilisi,” in: D. Khoshtaria (ed.), Architecture and Identity: Church Building in Tbilisi (1801-1918), (Tbilisi, 2016) pp. 89-105.
  10. “David Grimm and the Georgian Revival Style in Church Architecture,” Academia, Journal of the Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Arts, 4 (2015), pp. 87-97.
  11. “Building Activities of the Georgians in the Holy Land,” in: T. Mgaloblishvili (ed.), Georgians in the Holy Land. The Rediscovery of a Long-Lost Christian Legacy (London: Bennet & Bloom, 2014), pp. 21-30. Co-author N. Vacheishvili.
  12. “An Outline of the Development of Church Architecture in Early Medieval Georgia,” in: S. Sasano, Y. Fujita, and M. Morita (eds), Historic Christian and Related Islamic Monuments in Eastern Anatolia and Syria (Tokyo, 2014), pp. 81-90.
  13. “The Basilica at Petra (Tsikhisdziri),” Medieval Ports in North Aegean and the Black Sea: Links to the Maritime Routes of East, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Thessalonike, 4-6. 12. 2013 (Thessalonike, 2013), pp. 367-376.
  14. Master Builders in Medieval Georgia (Tbilisi: George Chubinashvili National Research Centre, 2012) (in Georgian). Co-authors D. Tumanishvili and N. Natsvlishvili.
  15. “Sculptural Images of Medieval Georgian Masons,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Georgian Culture “The Caucasus: Georgia on the Crossroads. Cultural Exchange across the Europe and beyond”, November 2-9, 2009, Florence (Tbilisi, 2011), pp. 98-101.
  16. Old Hotels in Tbilisi (Tbilisi: Artanuji Publishing House, 2011) (in Georgian).
  17. “Church of the Annunciation in Tbilisi” (in Georgian, with English summary), Georgian Antiquities 13 (2010), pp. 159-167.
  18. “Ornament of Palmets with Concentric Ribs in Georgian Architecture” (in Georgian), Academia, 1 (2010), pp. 39-54
  19. “Notes on Medieval Churches of Tbilisi” (in Georgian, with English summary), Georgian Antiquities 12 (2009), pp. 230-246.
  20. “Past and Present of the Georgian Sinai: A Survey of Architectural History and Current State of Monasteries in Klarjeti”, Heilige Berge und Wüsten: Byzanz und sein Umfeld, Herausgegeben von P. Soustal (Wien, 2009), pp. 77-81, 106-111.
  21. Façade Sculptures in Tbilisi (Tbilisi: OCRD, 2008) (in Georgian and English). Co-authors M. Liluashvili and N. Chanishvili.
  22. “Image of Builders on the Dome of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta” (in Georgian, with English summary), Georgian Antiquities 9, 2006, pp. 112-127.
  23. Annotations on architectural monuments in: M. Bulia and M. Janjalia (eds.), Kutaisi. Old Georgian Cities and Towns (in Georgian and English),Tbilisi, 2006.
  24. Churches and Monasteries in Klarjeti (Tbilisi: Artanuji Publishing House, 2005, 2nd edition 2009) (in Georgian).
  25. “The Monastery of Tskarostavi” (in Georgian), Literatura da kkhelovneba, Vol. 1, 2004, pp. 125-141.
  26. “From the History of the Cathedral of Tbeti” (in Georgian, with English summary), Georgian Antiquities 4-5, 2003, pp. 77-99.
  27. “Georgian Monasteries in the Holy Land” (in Georgian, with English summary),  Academia, vol. 5a, 2003, p. 15-20. Joint authorship with N. Vacheishvili.
  28. Annotations on architectural monuments in: M. Bulia and M. Janjalia (eds.), Old Georgian Sities and Towns: Tbilisi (in Georgian and English), (Tbilisi, 2002).
  29. [A Map] Monuments of Georgian Architecture (London: The Capivard Press, 2002). Joint authorship with M. Ebanoidze and J. Wilkinson.
  30. “Byzantine Masonry Technique and Georgian Architecture,” XXe Congès international des études byzantines, Collége de France – Sorbonne, 19-25 août 2001, pré-actes  III: communications libres (Paris, 2001), p. 336.
  31. “Early Medieval Churches in Mtskheta” (in Georgian, with English summary), Academia, Vol. 1, 2001, pp. 24-36.
  32. “Early Monasteries in Georgia” (in Georgian, with English summary), Arkitekturuli memkvidreoba, Vol. 1, 2001, pp. 49-56.
  33. “Under Dome Techniques in the Fifth-Tenth Centuries Georgian Architecture (Squinch and Squinch-Pendentive)” (in Georgian, with English summary), Arkitekturuli memkvidreoba, Vol. 1, 2001, pp. 73-102.
  34. “Architectural Peculiarities of the Church in Shatberdi (Yeni-Rabat)” (in Georgian), Literatura da khelovneba, Vol. 1, 2001, pp. 115-144.
  35. “Samtavro: History and Perspectives of Study” (in Georgian, with German summary), Thirty Fourth Conference of the George Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art: Collection of Papers (Tbilisi, 2000), pp. 47-54.
  36. Annotations on architectural monuments in: M. Bulia and M. Janjalia (eds.), Old Georgian Sities and Towns: Mtskheta (in Georgian and English), (Tbilisi, 2000).
  37. “Early Christian Churches in Mtskheta” (in Georgian), Kristianuli demokratia, Vol. 1, 2000, pp. 113-128.
  38. “On the Date of Foundation of Monastery in Opiza” (in Georgian), Dzeglis megobari, Vol. 2 (105), 1999, pp. 31-33.
  39. “Notes on the Gogubani (Gogüba) Church” (in Georgian), Literatura da kkhelovneba, Vol. 3, 1999, pp. 128-133.
  40. “Transavantgarde and Georgian Art” (in Georgian), Literatura da khelovneba, Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 109-123.
  41. “Monastic Architecture of the Ninth-Eleventh Centuries in Klarjeti” (in Georgian, with English summary), Issues of the History of the Georgian Church, Ecclesiastical Literature and Christian Art, Tbilisi, 1998, pp. 436-452.
  42. “Churches in Klarjeti and Shavsheti” (in Georgian), Literatura da khelovneba, Vol. 2, 1998, pp. 53-80.
  43. “Church in Satle” (in Georgian), Dzeglis megobari, Vol. 2 (101), 1998, pp. 12-23.
  44. “Some Peculiarities of Church Architecture in Javakheti” (in Georgian), Literatura da khelovneba, Vol. 1-2, 1997, pp. 119-141.
  45. “The Church of St Stephen in Vachedzori Monastery” (in Georgian), Dzeglis megobari, Vol. 4 (99), 1997, pp. 23-35.
  46. Graphic Documentation of the Architecture and Mural Painting of Tao-Klardjeti (North-East Turkey): Exhibition Catalogue, (Tbilisi, 1996) (in English). Joint authorship with M. Didebulidze and N. Vacheishvili.
  47. “The City of Artanuji and its Antiquities” (in Georgian, with English summary), Artanuji, Vol. 5, 1996, pp. 60-75.
  48. “Unknown Basilica near Village Sveti in Klarjeti” (in Georgian), Arkitektura da dizaini, Vol. 1, 1994, pp. 50-51.
  49. “Antiquities in Turkish Georgia” (in Georgian), Literaturuli sakartvelo, December 16-23, No 49 (8101), 1994, p. 14.
  50. New Information about Antiquities of Tao-Klardjeti” (in Georgian), Literatura da khelovneba, Vol. 1, 1991, pp. 117-161. Joint authorship with N. Alexidze.
  51. “Model and Copy in the Medieval Georgian Architecture” (in Georgian), Literatura da khelovneba, Vol. 1, 1990, pp. 37-50.
  52. “Architectural Image of the Churches in Berta and Sinkoti” (in Georgian, with English and Russian summaries), Matsne, Vol. 1, 1990, pp. 149-159.
  53. “Ninth Century Church Nuka Saq’dari in Klardjeti” (in Georgian, with Russian summary), Dzeglis Megobari, Vol. 4, 1988, pp. 16-23.
  54. “Wooden Architecture”, Georgian Soviet Encyclopaedia, Vol. 11, Tbilisi, 1987, pp. 485-486.
  55. “Monastic Churches in the Environs of Tadzris-Sakire” (in Georgian, with Russian summary), Matsne, 3, 1986, pp. 135-155.
  56. “On the Localization of Kviriketsminda Monastery” (in Georgian, with Russian summary), Matsne, Vol. 1, 1985, pp. 70-82.
  57. “Monastic Church in Chitakhevi” (in Georgian, with Russian summary), Matsne, Vol. 4, 1983, pp. 141-157.
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Khimshiashvili Kakha