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Architect, Art Historian, Conservation Architect, Researcher of the Centre.
Research field: Protection and restoration of the monuments of architecture.
Activity: 1978-1982 – Head of the Monuments Restoration and Adaptive Reuse Department, Main Board for the Protection of Monuments, 1978-1983 – Chief Architect of the Georgian Patriarchate, 1995-2002 – Head of the Department of Heritage Protection and Study of the Ecclesiastical Architectural Design, Tbilisi University of Culture.
Selected restoration projects: 1978-1979 – Kazreti church of the Trinity, 1978-1982 – Vachnadziani domed church, 1983-1985 – Rukhi Fortress.
- Chule, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N35, 1974;
- Issues of Restoration of the Domed Temple of “Kvelatsminda” in Vachnadziani Monastery, IV International Symposium, Tbilisi, 1983;
- The Answer to Reviewers, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N65, 1984;
- A Domed Temple of “Kvelatsminda” of Vachnadziani Complex, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N2, 1986;
- The Sun Symbol in the Lighting System of the Main Nave of Vachnadziani Monastery Domed Temple of “Kvelatsminda”, VI International Symposium, Tbilisi, 1989;
- Protection of Monuments in Georgia, “Tskhovreba da Kanoni”, N1, 1993;
- For the Conception of Protection of Cultural Monuments, Researches on Georgian Art, 1, Tbilisi, 2002.
(1922, vill. Stepantsminda – 1997, Tbilisi)
Art Historian, Prof. Dr. (1975; 1976), Honoured Scientist of Georgia (1987). In 1944 she graduated from the Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Languages and Literature and in 1948 she finished her post-graduate studies at the Institute of History of Georgian Art. She started to work at the same Institute in 1949 and since 1985 was the Head of the Medieval Fine Arts Department. Since 1968 she lectured at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts.
G. Alibegashvili studied medieval Georgian mural and icon painting, book illumination, medieval Georgian sculpture and contemporary Georgian fine arts. Of utmost significance are her monographs on the medieval Georgian secular portraiture, book illumination, painting school of Svaneti, Georgian scenography. She participated in the international symposia on Georgian art and symposia on relations of the Georgian and Byzantine art, in international congresses of Byzantinists.
- Four Portraits of Queen Tamar, Tbilisi, 1957;
- D. Kakabadze, Tbilisi, 1958;
- Creation of Ucha Japaridze, Ars Georgica, vol. 5, Tbilisi, 1959;
- Murals of King’s Painter Tevdore in Zemo Svaneti (co-authors N. Aladashvili, A. Volskaya), Tbilisi, 1956;
- Four Portraits of Queen Tamar, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N8, 1966;
- An Artist in the Theatre and Cinema, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N3, 1966;
- Wall Painting of St. George Church in Bochorma, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N9, Tbilisi, 1967;
- An Artistic Principle of Illustration of a Georgian Manuscript Book – the 11th –beginning of 13th cc, Tbilisi, 1973;
- Performance Settings at the Shota Rustaveli and Kote Marjanishvili Theaters, Ars Georgica, vol. 7 (B), Tbilisi, 1976;
- Artistic Tendencies in Georgian Medieval Painting (About the Issue of a Secular Portrait in Georgian Monumental Painting), XIV International Congress of Byzantine Art Historians in Bucharest, 1971 (Actes du XIV congres international des etudes Byzantines. Bucqarest);
- Shakespeare in Creation of Georgian Theater Artists, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N3, 1977;
- Georgian Theater-Scenery Art, II International Symposium of Georgian Art in Tbilisi, in Russian and French, Tbilisi, 1977;
- Monuments of Medieval Easel Painting in Zemo Svaneti, collected articles “Medieval Art. Russia, Georgia”, Moscow, 1978;
- Byzantium, Christian East and Formation of Local Artistic Traditions in Medieval Miniature Painting of Georgia and Armenia, II International Symposium of Armenian Art in Yerevan, in Russian, in collected articles, vol. 4, 1978;
- Georgian Chased and Painted Icons, co-author T. Sakvarelidze, Tbilisi, 1979 (II edition – 1994);
- A Secular Portrait in the Medieval Painting of Georgia, Tbilisi, 1979;
- A Portable Mosaic Icon of St. George from Zemo Svaneti, Ars Georgica, vol. 8, Tbilisi, 1979;
- The Icons of Georgia (chapter 2 in the book: Kurt Weitzman, Gaiane Alibegashvili, Aneli Volskaya, Manolis Chatsidakis, Gordana Babic, Michael Alpatov, Teodore Voinescu. The Icon, Amoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano-Mladinska Knijga, Lubiana, 1981-1982, in Italian, French, English, German and Serbian languages;
- La miniature et le icone dipinte. La sculptura (chapters 4 and 5 in the book: Gaiane Alibegashvili, Vakhtang Beridze, Aneli Volskaya, Leila Khuskivadze: I tesore della Georgiana, Amoldo Mondadori, Milano-Mladinska Knijga, Lubiana, 1983;
- Development Stages of the Medieval Georgian Miniature (IV International Symposium of Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1983, in Georgian and French);
- Svaneti Art School (co-authors N. Aladashvili, A. Volskaya), Tbilisi, 1983;
- Rediscovered Monument of Georgian Icon Painting, Ars Georgica, vol. 9(A), Tbilisi, 1987;
- Wall Painting of the Main Church of Dormition of the Virgin in Vardzia, collected articles “Caves of Georgia, Speleistics, Architecture, Painting, Ceramics, Fabric”, Tbilisi, 1988;
- Symbolism and Theme of a Secular Portrait in the Medieval Georgian Monumental Sculpture, Ars Georgica, vol. 10(A), Tbilisi, 1991;
- Deux triptyques d’Oubissi: Icones Georgiennes du style des Paleologues. Byzantine Art and Latin West. Art Historical Studies in Honour of Kurt Weitzman, Princeton University, 1995.
(1923, Tbilisi – 2006, Tbilisi)
Art Historian, Prof. Dr. (1980), Professor (1983). She graduated from the Tbilisi State University, Department of History (1944) and took post-graduate training at the G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art (1946-1949). In 1950 she started to work in the same Institute, and from 1987 she was a Leading Researcher. From 1968 she lectured at the Tbilisi Academy of Fine Arts.
Subject of her research work was medieval Georgian sculpture and its connection with the Byzantine, Armenian and Western European sculpture; identification of the general trends and stages of development of the Georgian monumental sculpture; medieval Georgian mural painting (in particular, the monuments of Svaneti); modern Georgian fine art.
N. Aladashvili took part in the international symposia dedicated to Georgian art, interrelation of the Georgian and Byzantine art; she was participant of the International Congress of Byzantinists.
- Nikortsminda Reliefs (About a Façade Sculpture in Medieval Georgia), Tbilisi, 1957;
- Murals of a Painter Tevdore in Zemo Svaneti, 1966 (co-authors G.Alibegashvili, A. Volskaya);
- Paints and Skills (About S. Virsaladze’s Creation), “Literaturnaya Gruziya”, 11, 1971;
- The Art of the Georgian Socialist Republic (1921-1941), “Iskusstvo Narodov SSSR”, vol. VII, M. 1972 (co-author G. Alibegashvili);
- Illustrations of Georgian Artists for the Works of Vazha-Pshavela, Ars Georgica, 7-B, Tbilisi, 1974;
- Medieval Monumental Sculpture of Georgia (5th-11th cc Façade Reliefs), M., 1977;
- Some Peculiarities of 10th-11th cc Georgian Façade Sculpture, materials of the II International Symposium of Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1977;
- Altar Conch Compositions in the Churches in Svaneti, materials of the IV International Symposium of Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1983;
- Gli Affreshi in the book: I Tesoti Della Georgia, G. Alibegashvili, V. Beridze, A. Volskaya, L. Khuskivadze. Arnoldo Mondadori editore, Milano, 1984;
- Dimitri Tavadze (Theatre Artist), Tbilisi, 1986;
- Volkstümliche Strömung in der Mahlschule von Svaneti, materials of the V International Symposium of Georgian Art, Bari – Leche, 1986;
- Façade Wall Painting in Zemo Svaneti, Ars Georgica, 9-A, Tbilisi, 1988 (co-author A. Volskaya);
- Iconographic Programme and Style of the Sculpture of a Column in the South Gallery of Oški Church, Georgia II, Bologna, 1988;
- The Issue of Interrelation of Different Branches of Medieval Georgian Sculpture, “Literatura da Khelovneba”, N1-6, Tbilisi, 1995;
- Deesis Composition in Georgian Sculpture in Correlation with its Portrayal in Byzantine Plastic Arts, materials of 1991Byzantine Art Historians XVIII Congress, Shepherdstown, 1996;
- Interpretation of the Theme of the Lord and the Virgin Glory in the Early Medieval Georgian Sculpture. Issues of Georgian Church, Georgian Ecclesiastical Writing and Christian Art, Tbilisi, 1998;
- Sculptural Décor and its Theological Programme of the 11th c Svetitskhoveli Temple in Mtskheta – Christianity, Past, Present and Future, Tbilisi, 2000;
- Zemo Svaneti, Medieval Art, a Guidebook, Tbilisi, 2001 (co-author R. Kenia);
- Presentation of Liturgy on Stone Reliefs (Early and Developed Middle Ages), Academia, N2, Tbilisi, 2001;
- The Issue of Correlation of Georgian Sculpture with Byzantine Sculpture (10th c Deesis Relief of Oshki Temple), Georgian Art Research, I, Tbilisi, 2001;
- The Place of Figured Reliefs in the Façade Décor of Doliskana Church, Georgian Art Research, II, Tbilisi, 2002;
- Un des monuments de l’école de peinture Svane (les peintures murales de l’église du Sauveur d’Adichi), AMΠΉΔΏN, collected articles dedicated to the memory of D. Muriki, vol. 1, Athens, 2003;
- South Portal of Khakhuli Temple, Georgian Art Research, III, Tbilisi, 2004.