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Art Historian, Researcher of the center, MA.
R e s e a r c h f i e l d: Georgian Art History; Soc-Realizm; Georgian Soc-Realistic Art; Vizual Culture; Pop Culture; Gender; Art and Religion; Ideological and Political issues in Art History; Art Theory Studies
S e l e c t e d w o r k s: 1. Soc-realistic Prelude: Mental Training of Georgian Visual Arts (beginning of the 1920-30-ies), Spektri (art critic issiues), 1, 2008; 2. Eg or a Hen (ilegal constructions in Tbilisi), Impression (Art Critic and Visual Arts), 3-4, 2009; 3. “Constructing through Art” or the Acute Issues of the Reconstruction of Tbilisi, Ars Georgica (Net-Magazine), Serie – B, 20 November 2010; 4. First Traits of Professional Landscape Painting and its Unknown Representation (grafical scatches of Romanoz Gvelesiani), Georgian Antiquities (georgian art history), 15, 2011.
Address: G.Gogishvili Str.14, Tbilisi.
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Art Historian, Senior Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D.
Research field: History of the modern and contemporary Georgian art
Activity: Founder and Board Member of the NGO – Art Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory (2001); Founder and Editor of the ‘Iliazdi’ almanac; Art Interdisciplinary Teaching Program Organizer (German-Caucasian University).
Address: X corp., Sairme str., app. 157, Tbilisi.
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Art Historian, Senior Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.
Research field: History of the medieval Georgian and Byzantine Arts: icon painting, iconography, Byzantine-Georgian relations.
Activity: Associated Professor of Il. Chavchavadze State University; lectures on General History of Art.
Address: I corp., app. 56, Mitskevich str., Tbilisi.
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Art Historian, Researcher of the Centre.
Research field: Historical and architectural study of Georgian architectural heritage in the process of its restoration; the problems of research, protection and rehabilitation of the urban heritage of Tbilisi and other Georgian cities.
Activity: Lectures on history and art history at Natural Science Lyceum; one of the founders of the non-governmental organization “Society and Cultural Inheritance”; Team Leader of the Tbilisi Urban Heritage Research Group; member of ICOMOS Georgian National Committee.
Address: Digomi mass., V q., IX corp., app. 89, Tbilisi.
- Ateni Sioni Church (booklet), 1984, Tbilisi;
- Gujareti Gorge (co-author), 1987, Tbilisi;
- About Conservation of Avenisi Architectural Complex, “Dzeglis Megobari”, 1991, vol. 1, p. 35, Tbilisi;
- “Datuna” Church, “Dzeglis Megobari”, 1993, vol. 1, p. 41, Tbilisi;
- A Concise history of Tbilisi I Secondary School, “Dzeglis Megobari”, 1994, vol. 1, p. 54, Tbilisi;
- A Stela With the Representation of a Hand From Gomareti Upland (co-author), 1994, vol. 1, p. 63, Tbilisi;
- Ruisi Village St. Dimitri Church, Annual of the Sciences Works, 1995, vol. 1, Tbilisi;
- Monastic Complex of “Tskhrasakdrebi” Near Vejini Vilage of Gurjaani District, Annual of the Sciences Works, 1996, vol. 2, p.26, Tbilisi;
- On Some Architectural Features of 12th-13th Centuries Aisles-vaulted Churches in Kvemo (Lower) Kartli, Annual of the Sciences Works, 1998, vol. 3, Tbilisi;
- Kvemo (Lower) Kartli Expedition, “Artanuji”, vol. 8-9, 1999, Tbilisi;
- Nevly Discovered Church Near the Gantiadi Village, Annual of the Sciences Works, 1999-2001, vol. 4-5, p.58, Tbilisi;
- A house in Anchiskhati Neighbourhoods (co-author), 2006, Tbilisi;
- The Determination of the Historically-architectural Potencial for the Cognitive and Ecological Tourism Purposes (co-author), “Geografy of Georgia”, 2008, vol.6-7, p. 105, Tbilisi;
- Samtavro, 2008, Tbilisi;
- On Rehabilitation of So Called “Saplavzeda” Church of Nekresy Monastery Complex (co-author), “Ancient Art Today”, 2010, vol. 1, p. 31, Tbilisi;
- Bagrati Cathedral, “Ancient Art Today”, 2010, vol. 1, p. 103, Tbilisi;
- The Early Christian Period Complex From Dmanisi (co-author), 2012, Tbilisi.
Art Historian, Senior Researcher, Editor in chief of the Scientific Journal Academia.
Ph.D. (Doctoral Dissertation: Mural Painting of Annunciation Church in David Garedji Udabno Monastery (On the History of Georgian Mural Painting in the second half of 13-th century), 1993).
Research Interests
Medieval Georgian Art and Culture, Cultural Heritage Preservation and Popularization.
- Marina Bulia, Reliquary-Chapel of St Demetrios at the Davitgareji Desert, Zograf, N 44, 2020;
- Marina Bulia, Vita Cycle of St Demetrius of Thessaloniki and His Holy Relics at Dodorka Monastery, International Conference: Davit Gareji. Multidisciplinary Study and Development Strategy, Proceedengs, 2020;
- Mzia Janjalia, Marina Bulia, Kirants Paintings: Main Issues, Georgian Antiquities, N 22, 2019;
- Mzia Janjalia, Marina Bulia, Trend vs Cultural Context in Medieval Art: Case of the Kirants Paintings, N V/2, Convivium, 2018;
- Marina Bulia, Observations on the Veneration of the Relics in the Medieval Georgia, Georgian Antiquities, N 21, 2018;
- Marina Bulia, Mzia Janjalia, The Akhtala Paintings: Cultural Identity Issues, Georgian Antiquities, N 20, 2017;
- Marina Bulia, Mzia Janjalia, Medieval Art and Modern Approaches: a New Look at the Akhtala Painting, Convivium Supplementum South Caucasus, 2016;
- Marina Bulia, Murals of the Newly Discovered Chapel of the Dodorka Monastery (Preliminary Considerations), Ancient Art Today, N 6, 2015;
- Marina Bulia, Murals of Kolagiri (Precision of Date), Georgian Antiquities, N 16 2013;
- Marina Bulia, Tetri Udabno Murals and Some Aspects of the Early Medieval Georgian Painting, Georgian Antiquities, N 15, 2012;
- Marina Bulia, For the Meaning of Gareji Hermitage Paintings, ACADEMIA, N 1, 2010;
- Marina Bulia, Aneli Volskaia, Dimitri Tumanishvili, Temo Jojua, Davitgareji Monasteries, Natlismcemeli, Bertubani, Tbilisi, 2010 (co-author, co-editor of the book);
- Marina Bulia, One Iconographie Peculiarity of the Mural Decoration of Queen Tamar Epoch, Georgian Antiquities, N 12, 2008;
- Marina Bulia, Aneli Volskaia, Dimitri Tumanishvili, Davitgareji Monasteries, Laura, Udabno, Tbilisi, 2008 (co-author, co-editor of the book);
- Marina Bulia, Mzia Janjalia, Old Georgian Cities and Towns. Mtskheta, Tbilisi, 2000, 2006 (co-author, co-editor, of the book);
- Marina Bulia, Mzia Janjalia, Old Georgian Cities and Towns. Tbilisi, Tbilisi, 2002, 2006 (co-author, co-editor, of the book);
- Marina Bulia, Mzia Janjalia, Old Georgian Cities and Towns. Kutaisi, Tbilisi, 2006 (co-author, co-editor, of the book);
- Marina Bulia, Donor Portraits in the Main Church of the Natlismcemeli Monastery in Davit Gareji, Georgian Antiquities, N 7-8 2005;
- Marina Bulia, Commemorative Chaples in the Desert Monastery: The Church of the Annunciation at Udabno and its Wall Paintings, In: Desert Monasticism. Gareja and the Christian East, Tbilisi, 2001.