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- Representations of Historic Personalities in the Wall Painting of Tabakini St. George Church, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N7, 1981;
- For the Issue of the Late Medieval Georgian Wall Painting Iconographic Program, IV International Symposium dedicated to Georgian art, Tbilisi, 1989;
- Tabakini Wall Painting (Folk Trend in the Late Medieval Georgian Monumental Murals), Tbilisi, 1991;
- Wall Painting of the West Annex of Gelati Monastery the Blessed Virgin Church, materials of scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 1999;
- Coronation Composition in the North Porch of Gelati Monastery Main Church, collection of scientific articles of Tbilisi State University Art History and Theory Chair, N11, Tbilisi, 2000;
- Wall Painting of the Altar Apse in the Blessed Virgin Church in Gelati, collection of scientific articles of Tbilisi State University Art History and Theory Chair, N2, Tbilisi, 2001;
- Iconographic Program Peculiarities of Gelati Main Church 16th c Wall Painting, “Literatura da Khelovneba”, N1, 2001;
- The Proto-Gospel Illustration Cycle in the Wall Painting of Gelati Monastery Christmas Church, “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, 1, 2001;
- The Blessed Virgin Acathistus Hymn Illustrations in the Wall Painting of Gelati Monastery Main Church, collected scientific articles, N3, Tbilisi, 2002;
- The 16th c (1557-1565) Wall Painting of the Central Space of Gelati the Blessed Virgin Church, “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, 11, Tbilisi, 2002;
- Composition Structure and an Artistic Interpretation of the Altar Apse Wall Painting in Gelati the Blessed Virgin Church, Georgian Antiquities, 2, 2002;
- The 16th c Wall Painting in Gelati Main Church (1557-1578), “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, 1, Tbilisi, 2002;
- Stylistic Tendencies of the Post-Byzantine Murals in the Second Part of the 15th c Gelati Main Church Wall Painting, collection of scientific articles of Tbilisi State University Art History and Theory Chair, N4, Tbilisi, 2003;
- Portrats historischen Personlichkeiten des 15-16 Jhs in der Muttergotteskriche des Klosters Gelati, Georgia, 2003;
- Assumption of the Virgin Mary Text Illustrations in the Wall Painting of Gelati Main Church, Georgian Antiquities, N4-5, Tbilisi, 2003;
- The North Porch Paintings of the Church of the Virgin in Gelati, 2003;
- Some Artistic Issues of the Late Medieval Georgian Monumental Painting (the 16th c Wall Painting of the Central Space in Gelati the Blessed Virgin Christmas Church), “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, III, Tbilisi, 2004;
- Some Aspects of the Late Medieval Georgian Monumental Painting, an international conference – “Religion and Society in Our Lives”, Georgian Patriarchy, the Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnography, scientific foundation “Udabno”, Tbilisi, 2004;
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- A Portrait of David the Builder in Gelati Main Church Wall Painting, scientific researches of Gelati Academy of Science, N10, 2005.
Born: 1934, Kutaisi
Art historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.
Research field: History of the medieval Georgian mural painting, its connection with the Byzantine world (14th-15th cc.); modern Georgian fine art.
Activity: 1997-2006 Head of the Department of Medieval Georgian Art of the Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art. Researcher of the Research Institute at the Faculty of Restoration, Art History and Theory, Tbilisi Academy of Fine Arts.
- Nabakhtevi Mural Painting, Tbilisi, 1973;
- Vamek Dadiani Annex Wall Painting in Khobi, Russia. Georgia, collected articles, Moscow, 1978;
- Hagiographic Cycle of St. George in Ubisi, Dečani et art byzantin au milieu du XIVe siécle, collected articles dedicated to 650 anniversary of Dechani monastery, Belgrade, 1989;
- Tsalenjikha Mural Painting, Tbilisi, 1992;
- Bedia, Likhne, Bichvinta (Medieval Wall Painting Monuments on the territory of Abkhazia), “Jvari Vazisa”, N1, 1995;
- The Scene of Last Supper in the Murals of Ubisi, Zograf, 26, Belgrade, 1997;
- The Palaeologus Art Monuments in Georgia and Shalva Amiranashvili, collected articles of Tbilisi State University, the department of art history and theory, Tbilisi, 2000;
- The Study of Medieval Fine Arts at the G. Chubinashvili Institute of Georgian Art History (1941-2001), Georgian art studies, I, Tbilisi, 2001;
- Dimitri Shevardnadze and Heinrich Rot, Academia, N3, 2002;
- Le Cène dans les peintures murales d′Ubissi, ΛΑΜΠ′ΔΏN, collected articles dedicated to the memory of D. Muriki, vol. 2, Athens, 2003;
- Hagiographic Cycle of St. George in the Murals of Ubisi, Georgian Antiquities, 6, Tbilisi, 2004;
- George Chubinashvili (120 years since his birth), Georgian Antiquities, 7-8, Tbilisi, 2005;
- Tsalenjikha. The Saviour Church Mural Painting, Tbilisi, 2011 (co-author Mzia Janjalia).