Gersamia Tamaz

Architect,  Art Historian, Chif Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D.

Research field: 19th-early 20th cc. architecture of Georgia and Tbilisi, Reconstruction-Regeneration of historic cities; reconstruction-restoration of architectural monuments; history of photo-art

Activity: Lectures on the History of City-planning and Adaptive Reuse of Monuments at the Tbilisi Academy of  Arts; Member of the Architects Union of Georgia 

Address: 1/28, Kavlashvili str., 0105 Tbilisi.


  1. Reconstruction of Tbilisi Old Areas, “Metsniereba da Teknika”, N11, Tbilisi, 1971;
  2. Some Issues of Reconstruction of Historically Formed Towns, “Mshenebloba”, scientific researches of Georgian Polytechnic Institute, N7 (55), Tbilisi, 1972;
  3. For the Issue of Historic-Architectural Inventory Principles of Ancient Building-up, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N29, Tbilisi, 1972;
  4. These are Monuments As Well, Architecture of the USSR, N9, Moscow, 1972;
  5. Dwelling Areas of Old Tbilisi, House-Building, N5, Moscow, 1972;
  6. Historicke mesto Tbilisi, cas. Pamiatky Priroda, N10, Bratislava, 1974;
  7. Obytne veże. cas. Projekt. N10 (122), Bratislava, 1974;
  8. Tbilisi – architektura 19 začatek 20 stoleti. Knižnize obdornych a vědeckich spisu. VUT v Brně, svazek B-44, Brno, 1974;
  9. A Town Bringing-up on the Relief. Collected articles of the USSR Architect Union, Architecture, N1(20), Moscow, 1975;
  10. Architektoricke pamatky strědověke Gruzie, Pamatkovā pěče, N2, Praha, 1975;
  11. A Town Bringing-up on the Relief, Architecture, 31, 1975;
  12. Protection of Folk Architecture in Czechoslovakia, “Me
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Gedevanishvili Catherine

Art Historian, Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D. 

Research interests: History of the medieval Georgian mural painting. 

Activity: Lectures at the Tbilisi Theological Academy.


  1. The Theme of a Not Made by Hands Icon in Christian East and West, “Literatura da Khelovneba”, 2, Tbilisi, 1999;
  2. Reproduction of a Not Made by Hands Icon in the Aspect of Icon Cult Development, collected scientific articles, 2, Art History, Tbilisi, 2001;
  3. The Holy Face in the Wall Painting of Timotesubani, Georgian Antiquities, 1, Tbilisi, 2002;
  4. The Iconography of St.Veronika Icon, collected scientific articles, 2, Art History, Tbilisi, 2002;
  5. The Holy Face in the Church of Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Vardzia, collected scientific articles of the University, 2, Art History, Tbilisi, 2002;
  6. Once More about One Local Iconographic Theme, Georgian Antiquities, 6, Tbilisi, 2005;
  7. The Holy Face and its Representation in Georgian Medieval Art, Iconografica, Firenze, V, 2006.
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Gachechiladze Mariam

Art Historian, Head of the Department of Modern Art, Ph.D. 

Research field: The art of Georgian printed book, posters, ex-libris.  

Activity: Lectures on the History of the World Art and History of the Georgian Art at the V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi Conservatoire; Chairman of the amateur ex-libris and book illumination club at the I. Chavchavadze Bibliophile Association of Georgia. 

  1. Graphic Interpretation of N. Baratashvili’s Poetry in Creative Work of Lado Grigolia, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N4, 1979;
  2. An Artist Lado Kutateladze’s Exhibition Catalogue Introduction, “Lado Kutateladze”, Tbilisi, 1984 (in Georgian and Russian languages);
  3. To the Memory of Artists (Lado Grigolia), “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N5, 1987;
  4. Georgian Ex-libris (a Bibelot – in German and English Languages), Tbilisi, 1990;
  5. A Founder of Georgian Book Graphic, a Graphic Artist, Painter and Wood-carver (Grigol Tatishvili), Anthology “Mtsignobari – 90”, Tbilisi, 1990;
  6. Georgian Ex-libris, Tbilisi, 1990 (in German and English languages);
  7. Lado Grigolia’s Book Illumination, Ars Georgica, vol. 12, Tbilisi, 1991;
  8. At the Beginnings of Georgian Ex-libris, Anthology “Mtsignobari – 99”, Tbilisi, 1999;
  9. Formation and Development of the Contemporary Georgian Ex-libris (1920-1930), Anthology “Mtsignobari – 02”, Tbilisi, 2002;
  10. David Tsitsishvili – an Ex-libris Artist, Anthology “Mtsignobari – 03”, Tbilisi, 2003;
  11. Contemporary Georgian Ex-libris, EXLIBRIS, 2002 (the author and compiler of the exhibition catalogue), Tbilisi, 2002;
  12. Beno Gordeziani, Anthology “Mtsignobari – 04”, Tbilisi, 2004;
  13. A Great Master of Georgian Printing Font, Georgian Art Researches, III, Tbilisi, 2004;
  14. David Tsitsishvili’s Ex-librises, Anthology “Mtsignobari – 05”, Tbilisi, 2005;
  15. Ucha Japaridze’s Book Illumination, Anthology “Mtsignobari – 06”, Tbilisi, 2006;
  16. Contemporary Georgian Ex-libris – EXLIBRIS – 2006 (the author and compiler of the exhibition catalogue), Tbilisi, 2006;
  17. The Smirnovs’ House – Presented to Georgia, Tbilisi, 2009;
  18. Armenian Artists from Tbilisi (the exhibition catalogue), Tbilisi, 2010.
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Belashvili Tamar

Art Historian, Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D. 

Research field: History of the 20th c. art, scenography.  

Activity: Lectures on the History of the 19th-20th cc. Art and the History of Georgian Scenography at the Shota Rustaveli University of Cinema and Theatre. 

Address: 8, Otskheli str., app. 15, Tbilisi.


  1. On Multi Facetdness of Scenographic Space, “Kavkazovedenie”, N3, Moscow, 2003;
  2. Certain Aspects of Scenographic Space, “Teatri da cxovreba”, N4, Tbilisi,2004;
  3. On Certain Aspects of Music and Color Synthesis, “Kavkazovedenie”, N6, Moscow, 2004;
  4. On the Scenography of Opera “Abesalom and Eteri” by S.Nadareishvili, Klio-Historical Almanac published by Iv.Javakhishvili State Institute of History and Ethnology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, 28, Tbilisi, 2005;
  5. The Italian Opera in Tbilisi. “Teatri da cxovreba”, N3-4, Tbilisi, 2005;
  6. On two versions of Scenography of Opera “Abesalom and Eteri” by S.Virsaladze, “Kavkasiis Matsne”, N11, Tbilisi, 2005;
  7. Scenography of Premiere of the Opera “Abesalom and Eteri” by Z. Paliashvili, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 173, Number 1, Tbilisi, 2006;
  8. On One Scenery by Dimitri Shevardnadze, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 174, Number 2, Tbilisi, 2006;
  9. A poetic and Sxalted Legend of Love Deprived of the Material and History: On One Scenography of “Abesalom and Eteri”, “Spektri”, N1-2, Tbilisi 2007;
  10. The Smirnovs` House – a gift to Georgia, Tbilisi, 2009 (co-author);
  11. Some characteristics of the Scenographic Space, “Levan Rcheulishvili 100”, Research Conference Marerials, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation, Tbilisi, 2009;
  12. Art-Hidi. Tbilisi Armenian Artists. 1980-2010. Tbilisi, 2010;
  13. Giorgi Roinishvili. Album, Tbilisi, 2011 (co-author);
  14. Expressionist-Constructivist Strivings in Georgian Stage Design of the First Decades of the 20th Century. George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation, . 2011;
  15. Sergo Kobuladze and Musical Theatre, “Musika”, N2, Tbilisi, 2012.
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Bagrationi Giorgi

Architect, Art historian

1979-1984 studied at the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, department of architecture.

1989-1992 Post-graduate training at the Institute of history of Georgian Art.

1988-2006- Researcher at the same Institute.

Research field: History of Georgian Architecture.

Present Activities: Co-operates with following Publishing Houses: “Nekeri” and “Diogene”; “Suntni” group – active tourism promoter.

Projects: Geoinformation system of East Georgian tourist resources – CD version, 2006; Virtual museum of Tao-Klarjeti, Web-site, 2007.



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Asatiani Nino

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Andronikashvili Lali

Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D. 

Research field: History of the Georgian architecture 

Activity: Expert of the Fund for Cultural Heritage Preservation, Old Tbilisi Urban Development Project; Tbilisi Urban Heritage Recording Project


  1. New Georgian Art, “Spektri”, Tbilisi, 1996;
  2. The Architecture of the 19th Century Prince’s Messuage, “Literatura da Khelovneba”, N3, Tbilisi,1996;
  3. Several Samples of Princes’ Messuages, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N3 (106), Tbilisi,1999;
  4. An Architectural Complex of Tsinandali, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N3, Tbilisi, 1999;
  5. The Domain of Alexander Chavchavadze in Tsinandali, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N1 (112), Tbilisi, 2001;
  6. Samples of the 19th Century Princes’ Messuages in Kartli, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N2, Tbilisi, 2001;
  7. Samples of the 18-19th Centuries Georgian Palaces in Kartli and Kakheti, Tbilisi, 2004 (an abstract);
  8. The Rules of Behavior with Monuments for Youngsters, Tbilisi, 2008;
  9. Recommendations for Monument Lovers or How to Behave with Monuments, Tbilisi, 2008.
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