Didebulidze Mariam

Art Historian, Senior Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.

Research field: History of the medieval mural painting, rehabilitation of ancient towns, conservation of the medieval painting.

Activity: Lectures on Byzantine Painting at Tbilisi Theological Academy; lectures on the History of the Medieval Georgian Fine Art at Tbilisi Academy of Arts; Member of the Scientific Counsel at the Centre of Christian Architecture, Art and Restoration at the Georgian Patriarchate; Coordinator of the Fund for Protection of Georgian Cultural Heritage.





  1. The Tradition of Representation of  the Mother of God in Medieval Georgian Art,   in the Book: The Tradition of the Adoration of the Theotokos in the Orthodox Church, editoru D. Muskhelishvili, Nova Publishers, NY, 2020, 205-220;
  2. Representation of Architecture in Medieval Georgian Murals, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 13, no.3, 2019. 150-156;
  3. M. Didebulidze. D. Tumanishvili, Christian Era, in GEORGIA. History. Culture. Ethnography, editor Anzor Erkomaishvili, NOVA SCIENCE Publishers, 2018. 75-114;
  4. Cultural interaction in Caucasus and Beyond: investigation issues, in Cultural Interactions in medieval Georgia; ed. by M. Bacci, Th. Kaffenberger, M. Studer, Wiesbaden, 2018, 27-45;
  5. იერუსალიმის წმ. ჯვრის მონასტრის ტაძრის კედლის მხატვრობა (Murals of the main church of the Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem), Jvari Vazisa, N 1, Tbilisi,  2017, 138-147;
  6. Art and Architecture in Rustaveli Era, in The Knight in the Panther’s Skin. A Masterpiece in World Literature, ed.  D. Shemoqmedeli,  Nova Publishers, N.Y. 2017. 213- 228;
  7. შუა საუკუნეების ქართული კედლის მხატვრობის ძეგლები ტაო-კლარჯეთში (The Monuments of Georgian Medieval Wall-painting in Tao-Klarjeti (North-East Tunrkey). Georgian Antiquities, 19, 2016; 32-79;
  8. წმ. გიორგისა და წმ. თევდორეს ხატი ნაკიპარიდან (St. George and St Theodore icon from Nakipari), ACADEMIA, 4-2015, pp. 16-33;
  9. შუა საუკუნეების მხატვრობა აფხაზეთში  (Medieval painting in Abkhazia), კულტურული მემკვიდრეობა ოკუპაციის პირობებში (cultural heritage under occupation), proceedings of the scientific conference, Tbilisi, 2015, 53-68. (in Georgian);
  10. პროვინციულის ცნება შუა საუკუნეების ქრისტიანულ მხატვრობაში (On the term “provincial” in regard with the Medieval Christian Painting), proceedings of the First International conference: Artistic form: Epochs and Tendencies, 2013, Tbilisi; Tbilisi State University; Tb., 2015; 49-60;
  11. Contribution of Georgian Art History to the Saving of Christian Culture in the Soviet Period, in the: Returning to Spirituality; ed.  D. Muskhelishvili, NOVA Publishers, 2015, NY;  75-80;
  12. M. Didebulidze, M. Janjalia, Wall Paintings of the Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem, Iberica Caucasica, vol.2,  London, Bennet and Bloom, 2014, pp. 46-66;
  13. Tao-Klarjeti murals; Interaction of Cultural Traditions, in: Synergies in visual culture, Festschrift für Gerhard Wolf,  München, 2013; 215-228;
  14. ქართული ხელოვნებათმცოდნეობის წვლილი ქრისტიანული ხელოვნების გადარჩენაში საბჭოთა პერიოდში (the merit of Georgian Art History in preserving Christian culture during the Soviet rule); Logos, N 7/2013,  103-107;
  15. თამარის დროის მხატვრობის პროგრამების ერთი იკონოგრაფიული თავისებურება (An iconographic peculiarity of the mural painting programes in the reign of Queen Tamar), Matsne, N 1, 2012, 77-78;
  16. დავით კაკაბაძის “ბრეტანი” და შორეული აღმოსავლეთის ხელოვნება (“Bretagne” by David Kakabadze and the art of  Far East) , ACADEMIA, 2/2011, 36-51;
  17. Image of the Three Youths in Furnace on the background of the anti-heretical disputes in the end of the 12th c. in the Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Georgian Culture, Florence, November 2-9, 2009; (Tbilisi, 2011), 120-126;
  18. ყინცვისის წმ. ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის მოხატულობა თანადროული ბიზანტიური მხატვრობის კონტექსტში (Murals of St. Nickolas church in context of the contemporary Byzantine painting), ACADEMIA, 1/2010, 69-88;
  19. “Secular trends in the Georgian culture from the period of Queen Tamar and the contemporary wall painting”,  in the “Georgian Art in the Context of European and Asian Cultures”; proceedings of the V. Beridze 1st international Symposium of Georgian Culture;  June, 21-29, 2008.  (Tbilisi, 2009), 121-126;
  20. ყინცვისის წმ. ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის XIII ს-ის დამდეგის მოხატულობის ფერადოვნება  (Colorit of the thirteen century murals of St. Nicholas church at Kintsvisi), Georgian Antiquities, N 11, 78-104;
  21. Ancient Georgian Art (with D. Tumanishvili), Tbilisi, 2008;
  22. Georgian pilgrimage routes and sites, in “Routes of Faith in the Medieval Mediterranean”; Proceedings of an International Symposium, Thessaloniki, November, 2007;  (Thessaloniki, 2008);  145-155;
  23. “Wall Painting”,  in Georgian Christian Art,  (Group of Authors), Tbilisi, 2008. 17-21; 45-49;
  24. ST. Nicholas in the 13th c. mural painting of Kintsvisi church, Georgia, ICONOGRAPHICA, Firenze, VI, 2007, (61-77);
  25. Monuments of medieval wall painting in North-East Turkey (history and present state). Proceedings of the 21st  International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London, 2006; vol. III.   London, 2006. 341-342;
  26. M. Didebulidze, M. Janjalia, Wall painting of the Jerusalem Holy Cross Monastery, Proceedings of the 21st  International Congress of Byzantine studies, London, 2006; vol. III.  340- 341;
  27. “ძირი იესესი ყინცვისის წმ. ნიკოლოზის ტაძარში” (The Tree of Jesse in the St, Nickolas church at Kintsvisi), ACADEMIA, v. 6-7, 41-49;
  28. “ეროვნული ფორმის საკითხი ქრისტიანულ ხელოვნებაში“ (The issue of national form in the Christian art), Georgian Antiquities, 7-8, 2005, 211-238;
  29. “ყინცვისის წმ. ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის მოხატულობის შექმნის ისტორიიდან” (History of creation of the wall painting of the church of St Nicholas at Kintsvisi), Proceedings of the Second International Symposium: Christianity in our Life: Past, Presant and Future, Tbilisi, 2005. 199;
  30. “The cycle of life of St. Nickolas in the wall painting of Kintsvisi church”, Studies on Georgian Art, IV, Tbilisi, 2005, 31-34;
  31. “ქრისტიანობა და ქართული ხელოვნებათმცოდნეობა (Christianity and the Georgian art history), in “20 centuries of Christianity in Georgia”, Tbilisi, 2004. 137-149;
  32. საღვთისმეტყველო პოლემიკის ასახვის საკითხისათვის ყინწვისის წმ. ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის მოხატულობაში (On  Reflection of Theological Disputes in the Programme of the Wall Painting of St. Nicholas Church at Kintsvisi),   Georgian Antiquities, 6, 2005, Tbilisi, pp. 121-122;
  33. Zur Restauration der mittelalterlichen Baudekmäler,  WOSTOK, Nr. 1,  Berlin, Frühjahr 2005,, 27-29;
  34. The image of St. Sylvester in the wall painting of St. Nicholas church at Kintsvisi, – Sudies on Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 2004, pp.87-89;
  35. Wall painting of the Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem, “Academia”, v.5 (A), Tbilisi, 2003, pp.26-33.  (with Dr. Mzia Djandjalia);
  36. ახალი მონაცემები ყინცვისის წმ. ნიკოლოზის XIII საუკუნის მოხატულობის შესახებ (New data  on the thirteenth century wall painting in the St. Nicholas church at Kintsvisi,) “Georgian Antiquities”, 1, Tbilisi, 2002, 85-100;
  37. ხუროთმოძღვრებისა და მხატვრობის ურთიერთმიმართება წმ. ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის XIII საუკუნის მოხატულობაში (Interrelation of the architecture and wall painting in the St. Nicholas church at Kintsvisi, ACADEMIA, v.3, Tbilisi, 2002, 63-71;
  38. Conservation of the Kintsvisi wall painting, Deltion, 3, 2002, Thessalonike, pp. 125-129;
  39. Cultural Heritage of Georgia, Jerusalem, 2002 (Catalogue of the photo-exhibition);
  40. Architecture and wall painting in Tao-Klardjeti, (Exhibition catalogue), Tbilisi, 1996. In collaboration with D. Khoshtaria and N. Vacheishvili;
  41. Medieval Frescoes and Mosaics of Georgia, – “Wostok”, 3, 1996, Koln;
  42. წმ. ევსტატეს ხილვა შუა საუკუნეების ქართულ ხელოვნებაში (The Vision of St.Eustatios in the Medieval Georgian Art) – Literatura da Khelovneba, Tbilisi, 1990, 197-206;
  43. ზენობანის ეკლესიის მოხატულობა (Mural Painting of Zenobani Church), “Matsne”, Reports of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, 1990;
  44. Architectural and Landscape Setting in the Medieval Georgian Mural Painting, – IV International Symposium on Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1989;
  45. ზენობანის ეკლესიის ხუროთმოძღვრება  (The Architecture of Zenobani Church), “Dzeglis Megobari”, 1989, 4. 5-15;
  46. Two Monuments of Thirteenth century Georgian Mural Painting in Imereti, – II International Symposium on Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1983;
  47. Architecture of the Church in Old Gagra, – “Dzeglis Megobari”, N 45, Tbilisi, 1977, 16-26.









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Gabashvili Mariam

Art Historian, Ph.D in Art Studies, Senior Researcher of the Centre.

Research field: History of the Pre-Christian art; Early Medieval Stone Sculpture.

Activity: Lectures Arts and Culture of the Middle East I (since prehistory to Islamic period) at the University of Georgia, Department of Eastern Studies, School of Arts and Humanities;

Member of ICOM

Address: 17, Khakhanashvili str. Tbilisi, Mob: 599  512962
e-mail: makagabi@yahoo.com


  1. To the History of Metalworking in Pre-Christian Georgia (Following the Treasure Preserved in Oni Local Lore Museum). Tbilisi, 2019 (bilingual Georgian-English book-album);
  2. Artistic Reminiscences of Ancient Zoomorphic Motif on the Medieval Stone Reliefs in Georgia. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: “Culture and Art in Contemporary Context”, Batumi Art State Teaching University, Batumi, 2019 (in Georgian with English resume);
  3. From Prehistory to Christianity (Following the Footsteps of Archaeological Cultures of Georgia Through the Perspective of Art History), 2018 (book in English);
  4. Retrospective of Zoomorphic Representations from Prehistoric Rock Engravings in Trialeti. Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference “Culture and Art: Research and Management”, Batumi Art State Teaching University, Batumi, 2017(in Georgian with English resume);
  5. Georgian Art, Volume Seven of the book series: Chveni Ghirsebani (“Our Values”), Tbilisi, 2015 (in Georgian. author of the chapters: Pre-Christian Art in Georgia; Medieval Georgian Architecture and Stone Relief; Georgian Embroidery);
  6. Trialeti Petroglyphs – Under Destruction (co-author M. Gabunia), Heritage Conservation Regional Network Journal, Eastern Partnership Culture Programme, Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development, №5, Tbilisi, 2014. see: http://rcchd.icomos.org.ge/?l=E&m=4-4&JID=5&AID=40;
  7. In Search of the Origins of the Bronze Openwork Buckles from Georgia, Kadmos, №5, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, 2013 (in English);
  8. Some Aspects of the Iconography of Zoomorphic Images, Georgian Antiquities, 14, Tbilisi, 2010 (in Georgian with English resume);
  9. Artistic and Plastic Transformation in the Late Antique Georgian Metalwork, Georgian Antiquities, 12, Tbilisi, 2008 (in Georgian with English resume);
  10. To the Semantics of the Bronze Openwork Buckles, Georgian Antiquities, 9, Tbilisi 2006 (in Georgian with English resume);
  11. To the Identification of the Provenance of Two Bronze Openwork Buckles, Georgian Antiquities, 9, Tbilisi, 2006 (in Georgian with English resume);
  12. Silver “Emblema” from Vani, Georgian Antiquities, 3, Tbilisi, 2003 (in Georgian with English resume).
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Chitishvili Natalia


Art Historian, Researcher at the Centre, PhD Studend at A. Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Art

Research field:   History of the Medieval Georgian Architecture, Liturgical Planning of Medieval Architecture




  1. The Architecture of Monastic Refectories in Medieval Georgia, Historic Christian and Related Islamic Monuments in Eastern Anatolia and Syria from the Fifth to Fifteenth Centuries A.D., Edited by Shiro Sasano, Yasuhito Fujita, and Masashi Morita (Tokyo, 2014), pp. 105-110.
  2. Place of the King and Queen in the Space of Georgian Church, Georgian Antiquities, 17 (2014), pp. 193-208 (in Georgian).
  3. Royal Throne in Svetitskhoveli, Georgian Antiquities, 16 (2013), pp. 149-165.
  4. Tympanum Relief of the Cathedral Church of the Transfiguration in Ruisi, Historical Collections, N3 (2013), pp. 288-309.
  5. G. Bochoridze, Churches, Monasteries and Antiquities of Kartli, Edited by Z. Skhirtladze and N. Chitishvili, in collaboration with I. Gogoberishvili (Tbilisi, 2012).
  6. Materials for the History of the Church of Kartlis Metekhi, Georgian Antiquities, 14 (2010), p. 167-193.
  7. Trinity Church of Karbi, Georgian Antiquities, 12 (2008), p. 76-100 (with Z. Skhirtladze).
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Sanikidze Tamaz

(1935,Tbilisi – 2022, Tbilisi)
Art Historian; Chief Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.

Research field: History of Georgian art.

Activity: Full Professor of Technical University of Georgia, Member of the Council of the Department of Architecture

Address: 59, Abashidze str., Tbilisi,
e-mail: gsany@yahoo.com

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Djaniashvili Devi


Janberidze Nodar

(1927, Tbilisi – 1997, Tbilisi )
Historian of Architecture and Art Critic. In 1948 he graduated from the Georgian Polytechnical Institute, department of Architecture. In 1949-1985 he worked at the G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art and in 1986-1996 he was Director of the same Institute; in 1961-1985 he lectured at the Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Arts; in 1974-1981 he was Chairman of the Artists Union of Georgia; Prof. Dr., Member of the Georgian

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Jananashvili Ketevan


Khuskivadze Iuza

shalva _B8I0114

Born: 1932, Tbilisi
Art Historian, Senior Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.

Research field: History of the fine arts of Georgia and Islamic East

Activity: Full Professor of Tbilisi Academy of Fine Arts, lectures on History of the Oriental Art and Late Medieval Mural Painting of Georgia, Faculty of Restoration, art History and Theory; Member of the Sanctities Preservation Department at the Patriarchate of Georgia; Member of the Council of the Christian Architecture, Art and Restoration Centre at the Patriarchate of Georgia; Publisher of the scholarly journal ‘Sakartvelos Sidzveleni’

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