Presentation of the books published by the George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation in 2008
The presentation of the books published by the Chubinashvili Centre in 2008 was held at the gallery “Kopala” (7, Brother Zubalashvilis St.) on April 1, 2009.
2008 was very productive in the sense of publishing activity. Financed by the Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport of Georgia and in the framework of state program the G.Chubinashvili Centre published the following books:
Church of the Holy Cross at Mtskheta (D. Tumanishvili, T. Khundadze, D. Khoshtaria)
Davitgareji Monasteries – Laura, Udabno (A. Volskaya, D. Tumanishvili, M. Bulia)
Georgian Christian Art (D. Tumanishvili, M. Didebulidze, K. Machabeli, N. Chichinadze, A. Okropiridze, L. Khuskivadze, T. Sakvarelidze, M. Ketskhoveli)
Zarati. Murals of the Virgin Church (I. Khuskivadze, F Devdariani)
Racha. Heritage Destroyed in the 1991 Earthquake (N. Lagidze, L. Tsilosani, E. Gedevanishvili, N. Vacheishvili, T. Khundadze, I. Khuskivadze)
Tbilisi Entrance Halls (Ts. Kiladze, M. Medzmariashvili, T. Gersamia)
Scene Painting – 1920-1950. Collection of the Shota Rustaveli Theatre (D. Lebanidze, E. Tumanishvili, M. Okley
Rules of Treating Monuments for Youngsters (L. Andronikashvili, M. Didebulidze, D. Tumanishvili)
Recommendations for Monument-lovers, i.e. How to Treat Monuments (L. Andronikashvili, M. Didebulidze, D. Tumanishvili)
Guiding Documents of the Council of Europe in the Sphere of Inventory and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Translated from English by M. Maisuradze, M. Didebulidze and K. Mikeladze)
Memorial(L. Kikilashvili)
Georgian-Abkhazian Album (P. Kurdovanidze, editor Kh. Churgulia)
Ancient Georgian Art(M. Duidebulidze, D. Tumanishvili)
The Law of Georgia on Cultural Heritage Protection (translated from Georgian by N. Mataradze)
The photographs of Georgian cultural monuments from the S. Kobuladze Laboratory of Fixation of Monuments of the G. Chubinashvili Centre were also exhibited at the presentation.
The presentation was held with the support of Magti-Group.
Presentation of the books published by the George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation in 2008
Presentation of the books published by the George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation in 2008
The presentation of the books published by the Chubinashvili Centre in 2008 was held at the gallery “Kopala” (7, Brother Zubalashvilis St.) on April 1, 2009.
2008 was very productive in the sense of publishing activity. Financed by the Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport of Georgia and in the framework of state program the G.Chubinashvili Centre published the following books:
The photographs of Georgian cultural monuments from the S. Kobuladze Laboratory of Fixation of Monuments of the G. Chubinashvili Centre were also exhibited at the presentation.
The presentation was held with the support of Magti-Group.