Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.
Research field: History of the Late Antique and Early Christian plastic art, genesis of the Georgian Christian art, Georgian metalwork, Christian iconography,
modern Georgian fine arts.
Activity: Full Professor of Tbilisi Academy of Arts, lectures on history of Ancient World Art, Faculty of Restoration, Art History and Theory, 1999-2006 Head of the Department of Minor Arts of G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art.
Address: I corp., app. 56, Mitskevich str., Tbilisi.
A Portrait of Marcus Aurelius from Bagineti, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N7, 1975;
Silver Utensil Details from Ureki, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N38, 1975;
Metal-work Art in Ancient Georgia, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N3, 1976;
Late-Antique Toreutics in Georgia, Tbilisi, 1976;
An Artist-Ceramist Revaz Iashvili, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N7, 1976;
La toreutique géorgienne de la fin de l’antiquité, Bedi Kartlisa, XXXIV, 1976;
Tradition in Georgian Medieval Chasing, II International Symposium dedicated to Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1977;
From the History of Georgian Secular Chasing Art, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N10, 1977;
Basic Problems of Late-Antique Art of Georgia, Antiquity and Antique Traditions in the Culture and Art of the Peoples of the Soviet East, Moscow, 1978;
On Georgian Secular Chasing Art, Medieval Art, Russia, Georgia, Moscow, 1978;
An Issue of Traditions in the Medieval Georgian Chasing Art, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N3, 1979;
A Sassanian Jug from Svaneti, Ars Georgica, 8, 1980;
Some Peculiarities of Early Medieval Georgian Plastic Arts, Researches in Georgian Fine Arts, Tbilisi, 1981;
Alde Kakabadze, Moscow, 1981;
Tbilisi- Mtskheta, Moscow, 1981 (together with N. Janberidze);
From Svaneti Treasury, Tbilisi, 1982;
Some Iconographic Schemes of Early Christian Plastic Arts of Georgia, IV International Symposium dedicated to Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1983;
Silver of Ancient Georgia, Tbilisi, 1983;
From the History of Ancient Georgia Metal Sculpture, collected articles of Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 1983;
At the Origins of Ancient Georgian Plastic Arts (an Usaneti Stele), “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N10, 1984;
A Statue and a Town, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N3, 1986;
An Early Feudal Epoch Monument of Georgian Plastic Arts, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, N10, 1986;
The Issue of Oriental Elements in the Early Medieval Plastic Arts of Georgia, “Khudozhestvennie Pamyatniki i Problemi Vostoka”, Leningrad, 1986;
Pictorial Art of the Soviet Georgia, Tbilisi, 1987;
Some Peculiarities of the Development of Early Christian Georgian Plastic Arts, Ars Georgica, 9, 1987;
A Stone Cross Depiction on the Ancient Georgian Relief, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, 1, 1988;
A Stele Fragment from the Village of Nagvarevi, “Matsne”, N2, 1988;
Davati Stele Place in the System of Medieval Georgian Art, “Sabchota Khelovneba”, 3, 1989;
The Theme of the Blessed Virgin in the Early Christian Plastic Arts of Georgia, VI International Symposium dedicated to Georgian Art, Tbilisi, 1989;
Une sculpture géorgienne paléochretienne: la stele du village de Matula. Revue des etudes caucasiennes et caucasiennes, Paris, N3, 1989;
Zur Erforschung der frühchristlichen georgischen Stelen, Georgica, Heft 12, Jena-Tbilisi, 1989;
Byzantium and Georgian Art, “Khelovneba”, N9, 1990;
A Secular Portrait in Early Feudal Georgia, “Khelovneba”, N2, 1991;
Bronze Censers in Georgia, “Khelovneba”, N6, 1991;
Les sujets évangeliquessur les steles géorgiennes, Byzance et Géorgie, Athénes, 1991;
A Stele Fragment from the Village of Satskhenisi, Ars Georgica, 10, Tbilisi, 1992;
Il sistema figurative delle stele georgiane gel primo medievo, Ex Oriente Lux, Bruxelles, vol. 1, 1992;
Ancient Christian Symbolism in Medieval Georgian Reliefs (a cross in the Medallion), “Literatura da Khelovneba”, 6, 1992;
For an Unbiassed Research. About One Attempt of Defining a Sculpture workshop in Early Feudal Epoch Georgia, “Khelovneba”, 9-10, 1992;
Christian Themes in Ancient Georgian Plastic Arts (a Brdadzori Stone Column), “Khelovneba”, 2, 1993;
From the History of an Early Medieval Secular Portrait, “Literatura da Khelovneba”, 1, 1993;
Ancient Christian Symbolism on Georgian Stone Columns, “Spektri”, N1-2, 1993;
Boris Tsibadze, “Khelovneba”, N1-3, 1994;
Louis Réau “Medieval Religious Art”, “Khelovneba”, N4-5, 1995;
The Gospel Themes on Georgian Stone Columns, “Dzeglis Megobari”, N2, 1996;
La Géorgie et le monde de Byzance (Vie-VIIe ss.), materials of Tbilisi State University International Symposium, Tbilisi, 1996;
Reliefs on Georgain Stelae within the System of Early Byzantine Arts, Byzantine Studies. Selected Papers, Art History, vol. 3, Moscow, 1996;
Stéles Géorgiennes en Pierre, Lugano, 1997;
Ein Werk der europaischen Kleinkunst in Swanetien, Georgica, Heft 20, Yena, 1997;
Georgian Stone Crosses, Tbilisi, 1998;
A Portrait in Early Medieval Georgian Plastic Arts (5-6th cc), “Literatura da Khelovneba”, 4, 1998;
Early Medieval Stelae in Georgia in the Context of Eastern Christian Art, Iberica Caucasica, I, Curzon Press, 1998;
From the History of Georgian Chased Icons, “Khelovneba”, N5-6, 1999;
Biblical Themes in Early Medieval Georgian Plastic Arts, papers of a scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 1999;
Remarques sur I iconographie de la Crucifixion sur les steles géorgiennes. Byzantion, LXX, Bruxelles, 2000;
Some Aspects of Georgian Chased Icons, “Sametsniero Shromebis Krebuli” of Tbilisi State University, 2000;
Signs of Belief, “Mnatobi”, N1-2, 2000;
Georgia and Byzantine World, researches of the Georgian State Museum, 6, Tbilisi, 2001;
A Stele detail from the Village of Satskhenisi, Monuments of Culture, “Novie Otkritiya”, Moscow, 2001;
Georgia and Byzantine World. Artistic Aspects. Perception of Byzantium and Its Neighbors, New York, 2001;
Masterpieces and Centuries, Tbilisi, 2001;
Study of Decorative-Applied Arts at the G. Chubinashvili Institute of Georgian Art History, “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, I, Tbilisi, 2001;
An Icon of the Blessed Virgin on Early Christian Georgian Stone Columns, Ars Georgica, 11, 2001;
Manaba Mahomedova, an introduction to an album, Makhachkala, 2002;
New Materials for the History of a Georgian Costume, “Mnatobi”, N5-6, 2002;
Georgia and the Eastern Christian World, “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, II, 2002;
The Blessed Virgin – a Minor Oranta in Georgian Chasing “Sakartvelos Sidzveleni”, N4-5, Tbilisi, 2003;
Les croix en Pierre géorgiennes et leur place dans l’art du Haut Moyen Age, ΛΑΜΠΉΔΏΝ, t. 2, Ateni, 2003;
About One Version of the Blessed Virgin – Hodegetria in Georgian Chasing Art, “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, III, Tbilisi, 2004;
The Oldest Liturgical Objects in Georgia – Bronze Censers, Logos, III, 2004;
For the Genesis of Georgian Christian Art, “Twenty Centuries of Christianity in Georgia”, 2004;
About One Image of the Blessed Virgin in Georgian Chasing Art, Zograf, N30, 2004-05;
G. Chubinashvili and the Issues of Origins of Georgian Chasing Art, “Kartuli Khelovnebis Narkvevebi”, IV, 2005;
The Issue of Formation of Christian Iconography (Christmas and Epiphany Compositions on Early Medieval Georgian Reliefs), “Sakartvelos Sidzveleni”, 9, 2006;
Depiction of the Holy Sepulcher on the Monument of Early Medieval Georgian Art, Monuments of Culture New Discoveries Moscow Nauka, Moscow, 2006;
Georgian Christian Art. Stone Reliefs, Tbilisi, 2008 (co-author);
Early Medieval Georgian Stone Crosses, Tbilisi, 2008.
Machabeli Kitty
Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Prof. Dr.
Research field: History of the Late Antique and Early Christian plastic art, genesis of the Georgian Christian art, Georgian metalwork, Christian iconography,
modern Georgian fine arts.
Activity: Full Professor of Tbilisi Academy of Arts, lectures on history of Ancient World Art, Faculty of Restoration, Art History and Theory, 1999-2006 Head of the Department of Minor Arts of G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art.
Address: I corp., app. 56, Mitskevich str., Tbilisi.