Female Images in Medieval Georgian Stone Sculpture, Grigol Peradze 1st International Conference – Georgia in the Context of Christian Civilization – materials, Tbilisi, 2020, pp. 166-178;
Ceramics with reliefs from the Occupied Villages of Shida Kartli (Tsirkoli, Kanchaetis Kabeni, Kurta), Cultural Heritage in the Conflict Territories, Conference materials, Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 19-24;
Liturgical Themes on the Middle Age Reliefs of Georgia, ACADEMIA N5, Tbilisi, 2017, pp. 5-19;
Medieval Georgian Sculpture (co authors: T. Dadiani, E. Kvatchatadze), Tbilisi 2017;
Newly Discovered Relief from the Village Jalaurta, Georgian Antiquities N19, Tbilisi 2016, pp.80-88;
The Relief of St. John the Baptist from Sairme, Lechkhumi, materials of Batumi State University International Scientific Conference- “Culture and Art: Research and Management”, Batumi 2015, pp. 3-8;
Medieval Relief Sculpture in Abkhazia (co author: T. Dadiani), materials of scientific conference of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Tbilisi 2015, pp. 36-52;
Medieval Georgian Reliefs of the Baptism, ACADEMIA N4, Tbilisi 2015, pp. 34-42;
Chancel-barrier of the Church of St. Saba in Sapara Monastery, Georgian Antiquities N17, Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 181-192;
Examples of Architectural Ceramics from the Churches of Shida Kartli, e. journal of G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation “Ars Georgica”, Serie – B, 2014;
Depiction of Kings from Tao-Klarjeti in 9th-10th century Masonry Scupture, ACADEMIA N3, Tbilisi, 2013-2014, pp.46-58;
Symbolic Image of Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in the Exterior Decoration of Tkoba-Erdi Church (co author: A. Shanshiashvili), Georgian Antiquities, N15, Tbilisi 2012, pp. 156-166;
Iconographic Variations of the Georgian Bas-reliefs of Middle Ages (6th-9th CC) with depictions of Ktetors, ACADEMIA, N2, Tbilisi 2011, pp. 102-107;
Reliefs of the Church of St. George in the Village Bza, Georgian Antiquities, N14, Tbilisi 2010, pp. 122 – 132;
Images of Historical Persons in Georgian Architectural Sculpture of Middle Ages (6th through 11th century), International Symposium of Georgian Arts: Georgian Art in the Context of European and Asian Cultures”, Proceedings, 2009, Tbilisi, pp.152-158;
The Cancel Screen Fragments from Chrdili St George Church, Georgian Antiquities, N13, Tbilisi 2009, pp. 34-52;
New observations of figured relief on Jvari Church in Mtskheta (Nouvelles observatios sur les reliefs figurés de l’église Sainte-Croix de Mtskheta), « Anadolu ve Çevresinde» (“Anatolia and Its Vicinity in Middle Ages “) – ORTAÇAG 2, AKVAD, Ankara, 2008, 21-32;
Jvari, Church of the Holy Cross at Mtskheta, Tbilisi, 2008 (together with Dimitri Tumanishvili, D. Khoshtaria);
Racha, Heritage Destroyed in the 1991 Earthquake, Tbilisi, 2008 (together with Khuskivadze, N. Vacheishvili, E. Gedevanishvili);
Ascension of Alexander the Great on the Khakhuli reliefs, Georgian Antiquities., N 10, Tbilisi 2007, pp. 47-64;
Identification of the Saint image on stone of the spring at Zarzma, “Academia”, V. 6-7, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 60-64.;
The Blessing of Historical Figures on Orjalari Reliefs, Georgian Antiquities, N7-8. Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 100-110.;
Reliefs of Jvaripatiosani Church in Telovani, Georgian Antiquities, N4-5, Tbilisi, 2003, pp. 52-62.;
Daniel in the lion’s Den on Akaurta Reliefs, Georgian Antiquities, N 2, Tbilisi, 2002,pp. 18-27.;
Reliefs on the stone of the spring at Zarzma, Georgian Arts Historical Studies, II, Tbilisi, 2002, pp. 17-18.;
Ther Scenes of Old Testament on the Relief fragment from Tsirkoli, Academia, V. 2, 2001. pp. 81-92.;
One Aspect of Medieval Georgian Facade Sculpture (6th-10th centuries). Study of Art, 2, Tbilisi 2001, pp. 282-293.;
The theme of Miraculous Salvation of Biblical Prophets (Daniel and Jonah) on Georgian stone curved reliefs of 10th Literature and Art, N1. Tbilisi, 1999. pp.106-121.
The Themes of Old Testament in 10th-11th century Georgian Sculpture, 6th International symposium of Georgian Art. Theses, Tbilisi, 1989;
The Donor Relief from Tsaishi, Dzeglis Megobari, N 4, Tbilisi 1998, pp-24-29.
Khundadze Tamar
Art Historian, Chief Researcher of the Centre, Ph.D.
Research field: History of the medieval Georgian relief sculpture
Activity: Lectures on the History of the Medieval Georgian Sculpture and History of Georgian Art at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts.
e-mail: tamar_Khundadze@yahoo.co.uk