On 8-14.09.2017 a regular travelling research seminar “Crossing Frontiers: Christians and Muslims and their Art in Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus” was held by Courtauld Institute of Art and financed by the Getty Foundation. The Centre scientists – N. Natsvlishvili and N. Chitishvili took part in those seminars as junior members.
On 8-14.09.2017 a regular travelling research seminar “Crossing Frontiers: Christians and Muslims and their Art in Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus”
On 8-14.09.2017 a regular travelling research seminar “Crossing Frontiers: Christians and Muslims and their Art in Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus” was held by Courtauld Institute of Art and financed by the Getty Foundation. The Centre scientists – N. Natsvlishvili and N. Chitishvili took part in those seminars as junior members.