Training in Batumi
On October 16-18 the training course: “The Black Sea Cultural Port: Challenges and Prospects” was held in Batumi, at the Center for Civic Engagement The training was organized in the frames of the International project: LIMEN. Cultural Ports from the Aegean to the Black Sea, co-funded by the European Union, by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme “The Black Sea 2007-2013” and by national resources and coordinated by the E.K.B.M.M. (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Organizer: the Partner of the LIMEN project the G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation
The training was performed for the representatives of the Georgian Local Network member Institutions. The objective of the course was mobilization of the local partners and assistance for the development of the effectiveness of the Local Network. The aims included insight with the LIMEN and OLKAS projects (objectives, performance, plans); insight with experience in the field; performance of the mapping of problems and sites important for the implementation of the project; performance of the brainstorming in order to develop ideas for the future developments of Batumi cultural port; discussion of the existing problems in regard with cultural tourism development possibilities, and the milestones to be achieved.
The members of the local network:
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Ajara
Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara
Batumi Sea Port
Batumi Art Teaching University
Batumi Archaeological Museum
Khariton Akhvlediani State Museum of Ajara
Batumi Municipality
Cultural Heritage Preservation Agency of Ajara
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Berdzenishvili Institute
Trainers: Dr. Mariam Didebulidze, G. Chubinashvili Centre, project LIMEN;
Dr. David Khoshtaria, , G. Chubinashvili Centre, project OLKAS
Giorgi Tugushi, Cultural tourism marketing expert, National Agency for Heritage Preservation
Main topics of the training:
The agenda included presentations on: The project “LIMEN: aims and objectives; The European Capitals of Culture; the Black Sea Cultural Port institution; Dividends of cultural heritage conservation and cultural tourism; Results of the project OLKAS ; Presentation of the documentary film OLKAS; Batumi as a Black Sea Cultural Port – challenges and prospects: European and Georgian policies on cultural tourism ; Sustainable tourism and prospects of cultural tourism; Networking and cultural tourism; Case studies – good practices of cultural tourism in Georgia – Uplistikhe and Vardzia cases; mapping of the problems and brainstorming on the main issues; discussing the case studies in Ajara: ports of Batumi, Gonio-Apsaros and Tsikhisdziri-Petra
The courses were widely attended by the representatives of the institutions members of the Local Network established in the frames of the LIMEN project, as well as representatives of key NGO-s working in the field of culture and university students. There were 30 people in all.
The event was widely publicized by the means of main local media.
The Black Sea Cultural Port: Challenges and Prospects
Training in Batumi
On October 16-18 the training course: “The Black Sea Cultural Port: Challenges and Prospects” was held in Batumi, at the Center for Civic Engagement The training was organized in the frames of the International project: LIMEN. Cultural Ports from the Aegean to the Black Sea, co-funded by the European Union, by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme “The Black Sea 2007-2013” and by national resources and coordinated by the E.K.B.M.M. (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Organizer: the Partner of the LIMEN project the G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation
The training was performed for the representatives of the Georgian Local Network member Institutions. The objective of the course was mobilization of the local partners and assistance for the development of the effectiveness of the Local Network. The aims included insight with the LIMEN and OLKAS projects (objectives, performance, plans); insight with experience in the field; performance of the mapping of problems and sites important for the implementation of the project; performance of the brainstorming in order to develop ideas for the future developments of Batumi cultural port; discussion of the existing problems in regard with cultural tourism development possibilities, and the milestones to be achieved.
The members of the local network:
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Ajara
Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara
Batumi Sea Port
Batumi Art Teaching University
Batumi Archaeological Museum
Khariton Akhvlediani State Museum of Ajara
Batumi Municipality
Cultural Heritage Preservation Agency of Ajara
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Berdzenishvili Institute
Trainers: Dr. Mariam Didebulidze, G. Chubinashvili Centre, project LIMEN;
Dr. David Khoshtaria, , G. Chubinashvili Centre, project OLKAS
Giorgi Tugushi, Cultural tourism marketing expert, National Agency for Heritage Preservation
Main topics of the training:
The agenda included presentations on: The project “LIMEN: aims and objectives; The European Capitals of Culture; the Black Sea Cultural Port institution; Dividends of cultural heritage conservation and cultural tourism; Results of the project OLKAS ; Presentation of the documentary film OLKAS; Batumi as a Black Sea Cultural Port – challenges and prospects: European and Georgian policies on cultural tourism ; Sustainable tourism and prospects of cultural tourism; Networking and cultural tourism; Case studies – good practices of cultural tourism in Georgia – Uplistikhe and Vardzia cases; mapping of the problems and brainstorming on the main issues; discussing the case studies in Ajara: ports of Batumi, Gonio-Apsaros and Tsikhisdziri-Petra
The courses were widely attended by the representatives of the institutions members of the Local Network established in the frames of the LIMEN project, as well as representatives of key NGO-s working in the field of culture and university students. There were 30 people in all.
The event was widely publicized by the means of main local media.