On the initiative of the George Chubinashvili Centre, a three day jubilee event dedicated to the 85th
anniversary of Mary Karbelashvili (1927-2006), one of the prominent art historians, is held on November 28-30, 2012.
For decades Ms Karbelashvili worked at the Institute of Georgian Art History (now – The George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation).
The jubilee events are united under the title – “Heritage and the Present” and include:
Holding a jubilee session at Helen Akhvlediani House-Museum.
(On November 28; at 14.00; 12, Kiacheli St.)
Opening of the exhibition at the Sh. Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts.
(On November 28; at 17.00; 1, L. Gudiashvili St.)
Holding scientific sessions at the conference hall of Georgian National Library.
(On November 29-30; at 10.30-15.00; 7, L. Gudiashvili St.)
Mary Karbelashvili studied developing processes of modern and contemporary Georgian art. Her scientific heritage includes works of a general-review character, as well as monographic works, albums and separate articles about creativity of leading Georgian artists.
A small size informative “film” about Ms Karbelashvili`s ancestors, canonized brothers Karbelashvili will be shown at the jubilee session (Helen Akhvlediani House-Museum). Papers about M. Karbelashvili`s research and pedagogical work will be read (D. Tumanishvili, S. Lezhava); musical compositions will be fulfilled by young musicians; newly translated Shakespearian sonnets will be read (N. Ramishvili).
Exhibition “Heritage and the Present”
The exhibition embraces the works of those artists whose creativity was the subject of Mary Karbelashvili`s research activity.
Thus, it is the first step to reveal that an exhibition develops together with scientific research. Such point of view of an exposition emphasizes the scholar’s sphere of interests and the direction of research. In some occasions Mary Karbelashvili was the first who revealed the significance of creativity of different artists and laid the foundation to study their works even more fundamentally and thoroughly in the future.
Visiting the exhibition a viewer has an opportunity to trace the processes taking place in the development of different branches of fine arts of the 20th century according to the works of outstanding Georgian artists of several generations.
The exposition includes oil paintings, graphic drawings and sculpture, part of which has been exposed for the first time. This makes the exhibition ever more significant.
The exhibition makes it possible for the wide society to get to know and evaluate the development of Georgian art from the point which the scholar thought over, and at the same time watch the development of artists` creativity during a quite long period of time (the exhibition will last till December 12).
In the frames of a two day conference (November 29-30) 22 Georgian art historians will present their papers where the issues of old, modern and contemporary Georgian art will be considered.
Visual material of the exhibition and the issues considered at the conference go beyond Mary Karbelashvili`s scientific research time frames and introduce a lot of new material dating up to our days. That was the reason to give the jubilee event the title: “Heritage and the Present”.
A three day jubilee event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Mary Karbelashvili
On the initiative of the George Chubinashvili Centre, a three day jubilee event dedicated to the 85th
anniversary of Mary Karbelashvili (1927-2006), one of the prominent art historians, is held on November 28-30, 2012.
For decades Ms Karbelashvili worked at the Institute of Georgian Art History (now – The George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation).
The jubilee events are united under the title – “Heritage and the Present” and include:
(On November 28; at 14.00; 12, Kiacheli St.)
(On November 28; at 17.00; 1, L. Gudiashvili St.)
(On November 29-30; at 10.30-15.00; 7, L. Gudiashvili St.)
Mary Karbelashvili studied developing processes of modern and contemporary Georgian art. Her scientific heritage includes works of a general-review character, as well as monographic works, albums and separate articles about creativity of leading Georgian artists.
A small size informative “film” about Ms Karbelashvili`s ancestors, canonized brothers Karbelashvili will be shown at the jubilee session (Helen Akhvlediani House-Museum). Papers about M. Karbelashvili`s research and pedagogical work will be read (D. Tumanishvili, S. Lezhava); musical compositions will be fulfilled by young musicians; newly translated Shakespearian sonnets will be read (N. Ramishvili).
Exhibition “Heritage and the Present”
The exhibition embraces the works of those artists whose creativity was the subject of Mary Karbelashvili`s research activity.
Thus, it is the first step to reveal that an exhibition develops together with scientific research. Such point of view of an exposition emphasizes the scholar’s sphere of interests and the direction of research. In some occasions Mary Karbelashvili was the first who revealed the significance of creativity of different artists and laid the foundation to study their works even more fundamentally and thoroughly in the future.
Visiting the exhibition a viewer has an opportunity to trace the processes taking place in the development of different branches of fine arts of the 20th century according to the works of outstanding Georgian artists of several generations.
The exposition includes oil paintings, graphic drawings and sculpture, part of which has been exposed for the first time. This makes the exhibition ever more significant.
The exhibition makes it possible for the wide society to get to know and evaluate the development of Georgian art from the point which the scholar thought over, and at the same time watch the development of artists` creativity during a quite long period of time (the exhibition will last till December 12).
In the frames of a two day conference (November 29-30) 22 Georgian art historians will present their papers where the issues of old, modern and contemporary Georgian art will be considered.
Visual material of the exhibition and the issues considered at the conference go beyond Mary Karbelashvili`s scientific research time frames and introduce a lot of new material dating up to our days. That was the reason to give the jubilee event the title: “Heritage and the Present”.