On 1 April, 2011, at the House of Europe (2, Dadiani Str. Tbilisi) there was held apresentation of new books edited byThe George Chubinashvili Centre anddedicated to the seventieth anniversary of The George Chubinashvili Institute of Georgian Art History (now The National Centre).
The audience was welcomed by the director of The George Chubinashvili Centre Mariam Didebulidze. She spoke about foundation of the Institute, its founders, the senior generation and about the activity of The Centre.
Speeches were made by art historians, the last director of The George Chubinashvili Institute of Georgian Art History Teimuraz SakvarelidzeandDimitri Tumanishvili.They spoke about the significance of The Centre in research and popularization of the cultural heritage, discussed experience of the past and the future ways of development in the activity of The Centre.
At the end of the presentation the director of The Centre Mariam DidebulidzecongratulatedTeimuraz Sakvarelidze on his eightieth birthday.
New Book Presentation
On 1 April, 2011, at the House of Europe (2, Dadiani Str. Tbilisi) there was held a presentation of new books edited by The George Chubinashvili Centre and dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of The George Chubinashvili Institute of Georgian Art History (now The National Centre).
The audience was welcomed by the director of The George Chubinashvili Centre Mariam Didebulidze. She spoke about foundation of the Institute, its founders, the senior generation and about the activity of The Centre.
Speeches were made by art historians, the last director of The George Chubinashvili Institute of Georgian Art History Teimuraz Sakvarelidze and Dimitri Tumanishvili. They spoke about the significance of The Centre in research and popularization of the cultural heritage, discussed experience of the past and the future ways of development in the activity of The Centre.
At the end of the presentation the director of The Centre Mariam Didebulidze congratulated Teimuraz Sakvarelidze on his eightieth birthday.